Face Recognition Technology |
Biometric Authentication with OctaveClick here to watch a video tutorial Requirements: Octave. We have developed a fast and optimized algorithm to perform face identification using Minimum Average Correlation Energy (MACE) filtering technique. The performances of the proposed algorithm are evaluated using Facial Expression Database collected at the Advanced Multimedia Processing Lab at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Database consists of 13 subjects, each with 75 images. The size of each image is 64×64 pixels, with 256 grey levels per pixel. We have achieved an EER equal to 3.50%. All code has been developed in Octave language. Function list Function name: [out]=faceverification(filename1,filename2) Inputs: filename1: complete filename of first image, filename2: complete filename of second image Ouputs: out: verification result, 1 for matching, 0 for non matching. Description: This function receives as input filenames of input images and it returns 1 if images match, 0 otherwise. Function name: [out]=facerecognition(filename) Inputs: filename: complete filename of input image Ouputs: out: recognition result, the ID of recognized face. Description: This function receives as input filename of input image and it returns the ID of recognized image present in database. If input image is not recognized code returns 0. Database has to include at least one image. Function name: addtodatabase(filename,ID) Inputs: filename: complete filename of input image, ID: face ID Ouputs: none Description: This function adds a facial image to database. Function name: databaseinfo() Inputs: none Ouputs: none Description: This function shows all facial images present in database. For each image ID and path are shown. Function name: deletedatabase() Inputs: none Ouputs: none Description: This function removes database from disk. Other functions are available on request, such as: score visualization, score output, TOP-N face recognition, image enhancement. Index Terms: Octave, source, code, correlation, filters, automated, face, identification, system. Release 1.0 Date 2011.07.24 Major features:
Face Recognition . It Luigi Rosa mobile +39 3207214179 luigi.rosa@tiscali.it http://www.advancedsourcecode.com |